Sorry for the silence, have too much to do and no time for blogging.. But here's a quick update of what I've been doing lately..
I've been to Stockholm again, for another workshop with
Sisters Academy..
Bea Szenfeld was there, and she showed us lots of beautiful things.. |
The hotel where we had the workshop was filled with millions of tassels! |
I've started to make the garments for Sisters, sending the first one tomorrow (not finished yet..) And I chose to work with a fabric that doesn't come in many colours, so I had to paint (infinite amounts of) fabric to get the exact colour I wanted, and it takes forever.. (fabric dye did'nt work!). And the garment I make has got 26 pattern pieces (x 2)!!! Don't know why I always have to choose the most complicated ideas..
And I've been making a collection for the next issue of
Pigeons & Peacocks! Just had a photoshoot with the world's best
make-up artist & models.. Perfection! The issue comes out in may.. can't wait!
The planning of the fashion show is very exciting! We now have a date and a venue, 28th of April at Londonnewcastle project place on Redchurch street.. Need to start the collection very soon!
And school work.. My deadline is on monday morning. Have to present a 40 page portfolio with everything I've been working on this term, sewn garments and an essay. Haven't even started the portfolio and I have only written half of the essay, but I really really hope I'll be done in time..
Now - back to work!